Does double glazing stop condensation?


Condensation is a common problem for many households. This happens when water vapour in the air comes into contact with a colder surface. When this occurs on windows, water droplets form on the glass, which we call condensation.

While condensation on glass isn’t a huge problem by itself, failure to manage it can cause a number of more severe complications. The biggest of these is dampness which leads to mould growth. Not only does mould look unsightly in the home but it can also damage the window frame and cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems in more serious cases.

Will Double Glazing Stop Condensation on Windows?

Double glazing works by reducing or stopping condensation on windows. Double glazed windows are made up of two panes of glass with a space in between, this means the inner pane of glass will be warmer, resulting in a lower chance of condensation.

Another benefit of double glazing is that they reduce heat loss from your home. With single glazed windows, the room side surface temperature of the glass is lower which increases the risk of condensation, especially in winter.

Other Ways to Stop or Manage Condensation on Windows

While double glazing will drastically reduce condensation on windows, there are some areas of the home where it will inevitably form on the outside of the glass. For example, in the bathroom after a shower or bath, the air will be much warmer than outside. So, when it comes in contact with the window, condensation will form.

To reduce condensation and minimise its effects in your home, ensure there is adequate ventilation in the bathroom and kitchen areas. The most efficient way of doing this is through an extractor fan. For bathrooms, simply opening the window to ventilate the room will help minimise condensation on windows.

Condensation Inside Double Glazing

Double glazed windows in kitchens and bathrooms are more vulnerable to condensation forming in between the panes of glass. If you notice constant concentration in any of your double glazed windows, it’s more than likely the window sealant is broken. In this case, it’s important to get the problem fixed sooner rather than later to prevent condensation leading to mould growth in your home. If the mould growth goes unchecked, you will need to replace the window unit.

Contact Salop Glass & Glazing

Salop Glass & Glazing can help if you’re experiencing unsightly condensation in your home. We’re a Shrewsbury-based supplier and installer of A-rated double glazed windows. Whether it’s a window in your bedroom or conservatory that needs replacing, we offer a replacement unit service, a cost-effective solution which allows you to keep your existing window frame. 

Put an end to condensation in your home, contact us today. Simply, give us a call on 01743 469 332, or head over to our contact page and submit our form to request a callback.