Are uPVC Windows Safe?


uPVC windows have continued to be a popular choice for homeowners when it comes to investing in windows. In recent years there has been increased concern over the safety of uPVC, both in the form of home security and in toxicity.

Is uPVC toxic?

uPVC in its finished form, as in when your windows are manufactured, is not a toxic substance. When uPVC burns it does become toxic, releasing dioxides into the environment which are harmful. However, unless you are planning to burn your window frames, uPVC is perfectly safe throughout its lifespan. In the event of a fire, it is advised to evacuate regardless of the material used for your window frames.
When having your old uPVC replaced, please ensure that they are being appropriately recycled so as not to cause unnecessary environmental damage.

Are uPVC Windows Secure?

uPVC doors and windows are known as being one of the most secure materials currently used. This is due to the manufacturing process. The unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, known as rigid uPVC, is designed to be non-flexible in its own right. Combined with a steel core, as standard, it becomes impenetrable to standard tools and break-ins.
The design of uPVC doors and windows means that the latest security locks and fixtures can be fitted to both the window/door itself and the frame. Ensuring that your home is protected to the highest standards at all of the usual access points.

Here at Salop Glass all windows and doors that we fit are ensured to be of the very best quality materials and the highest security standards possible.
For more information on our uPVC windows, you can visit the dedicated page, or contact a member of our expert team today who will be happy to answer any questions and address your concerns.