Is Double Glazing Worth It?
WindowsWith the recent rise in living costs, as well as the harsh weather in 2022, more and more people are wondering whether or not there is something they can do to lower their energy and heating costs. One such option open to the public is double glazing UPVC windows.
What is Double Glazing?
Double Glazing is the process of using two panes of glass in place of a single pane. By doing this, an additional level of insulation is created where there wouldn’t be one otherwise. This increases the thermal efficiency of the building in which the secondary glazing has been installed.
However, depending on the size of your home, and the amount of windows you’re installing double glazing, the price can be considerable. As such, the question arises: is double glazing worth it?
Is Double Glazing Worth it?
According to studies, double glazing can potentially improve your home’s insulation by up to a massive 73% – making it extremely useful during winter. However, increasing insulation is not the only reason why you should consider having double glazing installed in your home. Double glazing offers a range of other benefits.
These benefits include:
- Increased security and safety – as double glazing is near-burglar proof.
- Minimised noise pollution by up to 70%
- Reduced condensation – thanks to the gas layer between the two panes of glass – and glare
When quantified, it’s easy to see that double glazing is definitely worth the investment. Not only does double glazing offer an incredible increase of energy efficiency
Contact Salop Glass Today
For over 60 years, Salop Glass has been providing our clients with high-quality window and conservatory products to our clients in the English Midlands. Today, we offer a wide range of glass and home installations, including double glazing, conservatories, and doors. These installations are designed and installed by experienced craftspeople.
For more information about double glazing in Telford, windows in Shropshire, and conservatories in Stafford, contact Salop Glass today.