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Five Fantastic Activities To Do In an Orangery

Five Fantastic Activities To Do In an Orangery

14 June 2022
orangery furnished with tables and chairs

Five Fantastic Activities To Do In an Orangery

Summer is finally here. That means it’s time to enjoy the sunshine. Let us tell you: there is no better place to enjoy the summer than in your very own orangery. Not only does it allow you to enjoy the sunshine, but it allows you to do so in a controlled environment – a very important variable if you or one of your loved ones is averse to bright sunlight. 

In this article, we’ll be going through five fantastic activities that you can do in your orangery this summer. 

5. Have a Nice Quiet Place To Read

If you or your partner are big readers you will no doubt recognise the importance of a good private reading space – somewhere cool, shaded, and out of the way where you can just fall into your book. An orangery is such a place. Because many orangeries serve as something of a back door, you can enjoy the shade and a nice gentle breeze. In our mind, that makes an orangery the perfect place for a reading nook. 

4. Have a Nice Romantic Dinner With Your Partner

For the next entry on this list, we’ll go with something intimate: a nice romantic dinner (or tea) with your partner. Using your orangery as a dining room is a very common way of making use of the extension, and it is a great way of enjoying a summer night. 

Not only do you get the intimacy that only comes with dining with your partner but you can do so in a controlled environment. This means you can control the temperature and keep intrusive insects away from your food. You can easily set the lighting to whatever makes you feel comfortable. 

What could be better than having your perfect dinner with your partner?

3. Keep Up To Date With the British Grand Prix and Wimbledon in Comfort 

Summertime is a time of sport. Whether it’s the Olympics or a school sports day, it’s hard to argue that sport belongs to the summertime. An orangery is the perfect place to enjoy the sport – which this year includes the British Grand Prix and Wimbledon. 

As with the previous example, you can easily control the environment in an orangery and you can enjoy the sunshine. And you can do all that while still enjoying the sport. 

2. Watch the Thunder

Watching the thunder is incredibly calming – especially after a long hot and dry spell. Watching the thunder inside an orangery means that you can do so in the safety and comfort of your own home. If you wanted, you could even combine it with a previous entry and enjoy a romantic evening meal with your partner at the same time. 

1. Play Games With Your Loved Ones

Whether it’s a video game or a board game, playing games with your loved ones is an incredibly fun way to spend an evening, and an orangery is a great place to do it. 

Imagine this: it’s a hot Saturday night in the middle of summer. You and your family have gathered in your orangery to play a game – maybe it’s Monopoly or maybe it’s Mario Cart. Your smartphones have been left in the kitchen. Your partner is losing, but they’re saying they let the kids win – you know it isn’t true. Someone tells a joke and everyone laughs. It’s one of those beautiful memories that everyone treasures for a long, long time. 

Orangeries, Conservatories and Double Glazed Windows in Shropshire

If you don’t have an orangery, summer is the perfect time to have one installed. What’s more: Salop Glass are the perfect company to install your new orangery. For over sixty years we have provided high-quality cut glass products and replacement glass and windows throughout the United Kingdom. Today, we are the number one glass supplier in Telford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire and the surrounding areas. 

Contact Salop Glass to learn more about our wide range of amazing glass products.