When Should I Consider Replacing My Double Glazing?

When Should I Consider Replacing My Double Glazing?
You may have installed double glazing in your home a few years back, so you might think you won’t have to replace it ever again. While double glazing has an incredible lifespan of 25 to 30 years, it can become less energy efficient over time. In this article by Salop Glass, a double glazing company, we will look at the tell-tale signs that indicate it’s time to consider replacing your double glazing.
Cracks & Chips
One of the most obvious signs of window damage is cracks or chips in the pane of glass. The smallest of scratches can quickly develop into a crack in your double glazing. Once a crack has formed, it increases the risk of developing other issues, which we will discuss later on. Cracks and chips can develop for many reasons, including vandalism or thermal shock. The only remedy for fixing cracks is to replace the damaged double glazing.
Cracks are not the only tell-tale sign. If you have ever noticed your double glazing is misty or foggy without any reason, it is due to condensation and it means there is some form of damage to the window unit, which may include damage to the sealant. Instead of it preventing air leaks, a damaged sealant will allow cold air to enter your home through the gap in your double glazing. When this happens, the warm air inside your home meets the colder outer air and condensation occurs.
Cold Draughts
Once you have a visible crack or condensation on your double glazing, it will only lead to more problems and reduce the energy efficiency of your home. The crack or the damaged window sealant acts as an open invitation for cold air to enter your home without you noticing it, causing a draught. You may even notice a rise in your energy bills because you’ve had to turn on the heating more than usual or leave it on for longer.
A great way to tell if your window has a draught is by running your hand along the seal of a closed window and seeing if there is air coming in. If you can feel any air on your hand, this means a draught is present and you will have to replace your double glazing to stop the draught and improve the energy efficiency of your home.
Not only can cold draughts occur, but water leaks in your double-glazing can also happen. A leak can develop in a similar way as a draught does – when the double glazing has a crack or the sealant is damaged, it allows moisture to seep through. A window leak will generally show up in one specific area of the window unit or as a puddle on the window sill. If a water leak is left unnoticed, spots of black mould can build up on the inside or outside of the window frame. In severe cases, moisture can travel down the wall, causing damage to the interior wall and surrounding areas. If the window frame is made from timber, moisture can also cause it to rot. You may also notice cloudiness, warping from the window unit and cracked or bubbling wallpaper or paint.
Replace Your Double Glazing With Salop Glass
It’s essential to catch these signs early before your double glazing develops unwanted draughts or leaks. If you have noticed any of the above signs, you will want your double glazing replaced sooner rather than later by the professional hands at Salop Glass. Depending on the amount of damage done to your double glazing, you may need to consider a unit replacement, or in severe cases, an entire window replacement. Luckily, the Salop Glass team has years of experience under their belts in the installation of double glazing windows and the replacement of double glazing units without damaging your existing window frame.
If you are based in Shropshire and you are considering getting your double glazing replaced, please contact Salop Glass by calling us on 01743 469 332 or emailing us at sales@salopglass.co.uk and we can discuss your double glazing options.